




Eco-Soma is my personal brand of Eco Somatics

Eco= Ecology/Environment
Somatics = Body

Eco is defined as something that is environmentally friendly or sustainable and I like to think of Somatics as being a friendly and sustainable relationship with our body

Eco-Soma is a body of work to support you into congruent and aligned living where you can access full agency of your essential self through embodied connection with nature.

Eco-Soma is where your body and the greater body of Earth meet in relationship


 “Have you ever spent 5 days solo, naked in the desert without shelter, minimal food/water and no people, phone or wifi reception? I have. This is most definitely my happy place. I never wanted to leave. I conversed, prayed, sung, cried and danced with Spirit. I slept on the earth and communed with her for hours and nights and days. It was only just enough time to start really hearing and to drop into the depth of relating that I yearn for. To retrace the somatic pathways that remind me I am a child of the universe. It takes time, and spaciousness to receive the guidance that nature, spirit, country can offer us when we meet her in sacred presence and open to listening.”

Rivka has an innate ability to guide people who have wandered from their core beingness to connect to their own path toward radiant wholeness. 


I share the practices of nature-based wisdom that can support you into an aligned reality where self-love is a by-product of connection, where belonging is who you already are and your purpose is where your internal and external landscapes become congruent.

Embodiment is……

  • Being present in your body

  • Listening to your body

  • Knowing your body

  • Trusting your body

  • Making decisions centered from your body

  • Relating from your body

  • Stopping the noise and tuning in

  • Slowing down your nervous system

  • Being at the centre of your being, awareness of all your edges, the calm within the storm

  • An interactive experience of rest in activity and activity in rest

  • Being a human Being in the HERE & NOW

Through physical and somatic connection with country, we can meet ourselves in a whole new way. As we attune to the sound of leaves, the energy of trees, the flow of water and the strength of stone, we notice and appreciate our own internal landscapes. Our personal harmonizing with the natural world, creates a bigger harmony that can extend to all people, beings and plants. This is personal and collective work that is critical for the evolution and revolution of humankind on earth.