I am a somatic, shamanic and sonic entrepreneur.
I have devoted the past thirty years to facilitating dance and embodiment with a diversity of people.
My childhood was spent talking to trees and rocks, flowers and sky. I always had a lizard or ant on my body and spent most of my time outdoors. I was in training, one of my wise mentors pointed out to me. An Earth Ambassador learning the language of nature to prepare for the day needed to translate to others the profound messages of Earth. Nature and Dance were where I turned my prayers and my attention as my own creative way to manage and survive childhood trauma and isolation. Talking with spirit was a perfectly natural conversation for me, that took place through my connections with the natural world. Here my ‘play’ training strengthened my capacity to self-resource and to listen to the mystery. I honed nature as my ally, guardian and mother through feeling my skin on grass, my feet moving in dirt and my hands touching plants. The Plants are our oldest teachers. It is within my wound of the Outsider, where I learnt how to lead through listening. I am grateful to be able to share these teachings with you.
My movement practices have literally moved thousands of different people in all sorts of community, health, justice, education, arts and environmental settings. My dance floors range from inner city church halls, sandy lined shores, leafy green forest beds and red desert earth. The majority of my work is done without words, relying on intuition, frequency, imagination and masterful embodied space holding. My job titles have included Choreographer, Artistic Director, Teacher, Film Maker, Community Cultural Development Officer, Writer, Mother, Futurist, Healer, Visionary, Soul Guide, Embodiment Coach and Boss Lady.
With a BA Dance, Somatic Movement Educator, 5Rhythms teacher, Futuring Principles Trainer & Embodiment Coach, I have worked extensively as a community dance practitioner since 1992 in Disability Youth Arts, Community Cultural Development practice, improvisation practice, early childhood expressive arts. My work reflects a lifetime career of facilitating dance and movement in diverse community settings with marginalised individuals and groups.
I am previous Artistic Director of Restless Dance Theatre, Boilover Inclusive Performance Ensemble, Founder Artistic Director of Company CHAOS and StArts with D Performance Ensemble. I loved working with Incite Arts on Southern Ngalia Intergenerational women’s dance camps out bush.
I am a Manifestor-Generator who, as an entrepreneur before the internet even existed, has spent my entire life creating and designing work that connected me with life. I thrive on bringing humans together in ceremonial dance, where freedom, connection and transformation are individually and collectively embodied in the dance. I am dedicated to connecting us back to nature through our own embodiment.
Current Practice: 5Rhythms teacher, Futuring Trainer of Trainers, Yoni Bodywork Therapist, Author and Somatic Movement Educator- Body-Mind Centering (R)
Co-Director of ‘In Your Arms’, a sensory performance project tending to the relationship between new babies and the natural world.
I am an Apprentice to the The 360 Emergence.
I am also the proud founder of Eco Soma™, a new body of work, sharing eco somatic practices integrating body-nature connections.
I am currently working on my new book ‘Wildling, a field book for remembering’
Eco-Soma is where your body and the greater body of Earth meet in relationship.
Eco: environmentally friendly or sustainable
Soma: the body
In Eco Somatic practice, we can invest in an even more harmonious and sustainable relationship with our body intrinsic to earth. From here, we can truly be of service in an integrated way.
“In her work as a holistic coach and embodiment guide, Rivka carries a vast and potent vision, so gently. The truth of it resounds with refreshing honesty, anchored by roots reaching deep into the earth. When I felt the call to work with her, I was deep in disregulation, struggling with intense grief, despair and isolation. I was drowning, lost, estranged from my own heart and body, and found it impossible to vision my way to a better place. Rivka held me in that place. She gently coaxed me back into authenticity, self-love and my power, just as me 10 years in the future would have done. Handed me a lantern to guide me through the dark. I loved every minute of working with her. In 6 sessions, I was through the trenches, feeling much stronger, and moving forward with hope and gratitude for my life again. I will always be incredibly grateful for her support through these times.”
- ZM

Through physical and somatic connection with nature, we can meet ourselves in a whole new way. As we attune to the sound of leaves, the energy of trees, the flow of water and the strength of stone, we notice and appreciate our own internal landscapes. Our personal and organic harmonizing with the natural world, ripples out to all people, beings and plants. This is personal and collective work that is critical for the evolution and revolution of humankind on earth.
Embodiment can feel like…
presence and weight
ease of breath
listening and sensing with your skin
knowing, trusting and making decisions from your bones
relating and attuning through your kinesphere
feeling safe and at home in the skin you are in
regulation and balanced activity of your nervous system
awareness of all your edges, where your membrane meets the world
BEING in the cellular consciousness of the HERE & NOW
land of the rock people
“The biggest gift you can give is to be absolutely present, and when you're worrying about whether you're hopeful or hopeless or pessimistic or optimistic, who cares? The main thing is that you're showing up, that you're here and that you're finding ever more capacity to love this world because it will not be healed without that. That was what is going to unleash our intelligence and our ingenuity and our solidarity for the healing of our world.”
― Joanna Macy