
I am a somatic, shamanic and sonic entrepreneur.
I have devoted the past thirty years to facilitating dance and embodiment with a diversity of people.

Rivka has an innate ability to guide people who have wandered from their essential selves into restoration with their full beingness. She shares practices of nature-based wisdom that support you into an aligned reality where self-love is a by-product of reflection, where belonging is who you already are and your purpose is where your internal and external landscapes resonate.

Eco-Soma is where your body and the greater body of Earth meet in relationship.

Eco: environmentally friendly or sustainable

Soma: the body 

In Eco Somatic practice, we can invest in an even more harmonious and sustainable relationship with our body intrinsic to earth. From here, we can then truly be of service in an integrated way.

Through physical and somatic connection with nature, we can meet ourselves in a whole new way. As we attune to the sound of leaves, the energy of trees, the flow of water and the strength of stone, we notice and appreciate our own internal landscapes. Our personal and organic harmonizing with the natural world, creates a bigger attunement that can extend to all people, beings and plants. This is personal and collective work that is critical for the evolution and revolution of humankind on earth.


Embodiment can feel like…

  • presence and weight  

  • ease of breath

  • listening and sensing with your skin 

  • knowing, trusting and making decisions from your bones

  • relating and attuning through your kinesphere

  • feeling safe and at home in the skin you are in

  • regulation and balanced activity of your nervous system

  • awareness of all your edges, where your membrane meets the world

  • being a human Being in the cellular consciousness of the HERE & NOW


  • Eco soma

    Ignite your curiosity to explore the relationship between your body and the greater body of earth

  • Futuring Technologies

    Change the way your past is generating your future and elevate your dreams into reality

  • 5Rhythms®

    Move, liberate and restore yourself with this acclaimed conscious dance medicine

  • Mentorship

    Work with me 1-1 or in specialised groups


land of the rock people


 “The biggest gift you can give is to be absolutely present, and when you're worrying about whether you're hopeful or hopeless or pessimistic or optimistic, who cares? The main thing is that you're showing up, that you're here and that you're finding ever more capacity to love this world because it will not be healed without that. That was what is going to unleash our intelligence and our ingenuity and our solidarity for the healing of our world.” 

― Joanna Macy